There are various types of reading english to hindi. Here it is necessary to take into account the purpose of reading and the nature of understanding.

Understanding includes:

completeness of understanding, that is, what percentage of the text is understood (quantitative characteristic);
accuracy of understanding, adequacy of understanding to the author’s intention (qualitative characteristic);
depth of understanding, ability to interpret, express one’s attitude to the text (qualitative characteristic).
Classification of types of reading (according to S.K. Folomkina):

Study reading is a slow type of reading, the purpose of which is a complete (100% information) understanding of the content of the text. Speed ​​is not an essential criterion, but preferably not less than 50-60 words per minute.
Introductory reading (normal fast reading/average reading/survey reading). This is, for example, reading fiction. The goal is to get acquainted with the main content of the text, the completeness of understanding is about 75% (main ideas and supporting details). Fast reading, speed not less than 180-200 words per minute (for English).
Viewing reading (skimming). The goal is to review the text in order to determine whether it is necessary, to determine what issues it raises. Look at headings and subheadings. The completeness of understanding is low, the speed is about 500 words per minute.
Search reading. The goal is to search for information about which it is known that it is in the text. The speed is over 300 words per minute.

reading2 Sometimes the so-called philological reading is also distinguished (for students of language universities), that is, reading in order to analyze the philological aspects of the text.

There is also oral reading/reading french to english aloud and silent reading.
The purpose of reading to oneself is to obtain information, internal pronunciation is curtailed, the reading speed is more than 180-200 words per minute. This is real reading as a kind of speech activity.
The purpose of reading aloud is to convey information obtained from the text, while internal pronunciation is expanded, the speed is equal to the speed of speaking. Such reading is not a type of speech activity, it is a method of learning.

Skills necessary for the development of reading.

Perceptual processing skills (reading technique). The reading technique includes such aspects as convoluted internal pronunciation, enlargement of perceptual units (eye span), contextual guessing, and probabilistic forecasting.
Understanding text at the level of meaning. Understanding the facts contained in the text, namely the ability to highlight individual facts, events, thoughts, the ability to group and generalize them.
Skills associated with understanding the text at the level of meaning, when information is not only processed, but also interpreted.

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